Thursday, September 27, 2012

06 - Just a Step Amongst the Stairs

So here's the idea.  Feature a song a day for every day of the most magnificent season of Autumn.  The songs are ones that capture the thoughts/ideas/images/feelings of the season for me.  It's my "Autumnal Playlist" if you will.

Today's song is a bit of a mood changer.  Especially considering the subject matter it brings to mind when I hear it.

 Song 06/Day 06

Today's Song:  "Overcome," off the album V, by the amazing band LĪVE.

Live had become one of my favorite bands a few years before V hit the market.  A lot of their music has that Autumnal feel to it.  Like most music I "discover," I come across it from movies/trailers/or tv.  I think this may be one of the earliest accounts of it.  I heard the song "Lightning Crashes," used on a trailer for the Sandra Bullock flick, "Hope Floats," in the spring of '98 (end of Freshman year at Evangel University.)  I don't think I ever saw the movie.  But it turned me onto this band that I soon found out was from my same county in PA.

Soon after I had raided the local used CD stores and picked up, "Throwing Copper," and "Secret Samadhi."  The latter would bring me to one of my all time favorite songs, which will appear on this list on October 8th.  The album V debuted on September 18th, 2001.

A week after 9/11.

This song struck me when I first heard it, and I connected it to the events.  I guess a lot of people felt that way.  Months later a music video of this song would air featuring footage of the aftermath.  It was powerful.  It cemented that event with this song in my mind.  I remember listening to it and it became like a prayer of sorts.  There were tears at times.

Music can be powerful and potent.  I think every person reacts differently.  For me this song will forever be mournful and in honor of those who died in the attacks, and those who worked tirelessly to save as many as they could.  It makes me long for the unity our nation had in the weeks following those horrible events.

I am particularly struck by the lyrics:
Beautiful drowning
This beautiful drowning
This holy water
This holy water, is in my lungs
I'll let the song speak for itself.

Day 06/Song 06 - Overcome by Live.


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