Friday, November 30, 2012

70 - Pour a Little Salt, We were Never Here

Here comes another song from that wonderful show, Chuck.

From Season 2, Episode 3 titled "Chuck vs. the Breakup"

It's a great song for Autumn.  It has a mournful finality to it, but also that little twinge of hope.  Again, that's what my ears hear.  The almost acoustic feel of this song really helps.  It's vocally driven with a guitar in the background.

Song 70
        "Skinny  Love" from the album, For Emma, Forever Ago, by Bon Iver

On reading the lyrics, the song seems odd at best, dark at worst.  But the tone and music paint it with a lighter touch.  I can't tell if that's deceptive or genius.  This is not a song that moves me because of the lyrics.  It's the music, the tone and the imagery it paints.

It's another one of those songs that makes me think of driving through the woods and countryside.  Late in Autumn, with heavy, cold, rain plopping steadily and slowly on the windows.

It's not much, but there it is.

grace, peace + hope

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