Sunday, November 11, 2012

51 - Hope and Pray That You'll Never Need Me

In honor of the day, today's song is focused toward veterans.  So let me first of all say to all who have served this country, or given the ultimate sacrifice for the rest of us:


There is a long line of soldiers in my family.  All my uncles and father served.  My sister, her daughter, and my oldest brother's son served (the niece and nephew are currently.)  So a big thanks to my own family.

I remember hearing this song in a movie theater in Illinois about four years ago.  It was during the pre-previews slideshow thing that was starting to feature full motion video etc.  I remember hearing the opening guitar and thinking this is cool, then the song unfolded with a powerful video.

In the end the video was a recruiting video for the National Guard, but it still conveyed a potent message about serving the people of the United States.  Watching it again just now had me on the verge of tears.  This isn't some flag-waving, America can do no wrong, kind of post, but it is a tribute from respect and honor to those who have protected it, fought for it, lived-bleed-and died for it.  For you and me.

Song 51
        "Citizen/Soldier" from 3 Doors Down self-titled album.

The chorus of the song is quite moving:
On that day when you need your brothers and sisters to care,
I'll be right here.
Citizen soldiers holding the light for the ones that we guide from the dark of despair.
Standing on guard for the ones that we sheltered,
We'll always be ready because we will always be there.
I think I'll leave this post at that.  Watch the video, listen to the song.  It speaks for itself.

grace, peace + hope & thanks!


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