Friday, November 9, 2012

49 - But in the Dark I Have No Name

Two ideas, thoughts, things I cling to with all my heart are:  Hope and Wandering.

Hope is a powerful concept.  It can give you wings to soar through the sky, or give you the grit to put one foot in front of the other when you have nothing left.  Then do it again.  It will surround your heart with joy at the goodness that you encounter, or bolster you up when the darkness threatens to engulf you.

Hope is the warmth of light in the good times, and the flicker of illumination in utter night.  I'm not going to preach but there is a specific hope I have that supplements all the rest I have.

Wandering is something altogether different.  I can find hope in wandering.  I don't like staying in one place for too long.  I get the appeal of putting down roots, and settling in.  There is a part of me that desires that.  But the larger part of me needs to keep moving.  Not because I am compelled to, or feel driven to, but a desire to see and experience something...different.

Wandering give you the chance to just keep going, keep seeing, and keep meeting new folks and places.

Today's song catches both those ideas.

Song 49
        "Hopeless Wanderer" from Mumford & Sons latest, Babel.

There is so much in each of their songs.  It's been hard to not just do every song off this album.  And their first.  They are pretty much definitive of the season for me, but also work year round too.  The intro piano just hooks me in like a current.  Before you know it the river is pulling you further and faster, until you hit the chorus that turns into thrilling white water.

I love the lyrics in the bridge the most:
So when your hope's on fire
But you know your desire
Don't hold a glass over the flame
Don't let your heart grow cold
I will call you by name
I will share your road
For me this feels like someone else is speaking.  Encouraging and challenging the voice of the rest of the song.  There is such a hopefulness to this song that just lifts me up, and pulls me a long...depending on the day.

grace, peace & hope


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