Saturday, October 27, 2012

36 - I'm A Million Different People

I don't remember the exact first hearing of this song.  It had to be in the first few years of my life that I call - College -  Since the song didn't come out until March '98 in the US, I'd say it was probably Sophomore year, 98-99.

If you remember from a few posts back I was talking about my Golden Year, the hanging out with friends, the apartment and all of that.  This song probably hit circulation a good bit during our relaxing nights just listening to music.  I know I certainly heard it while living of the best floor ever at Evangel, S1N.  And that's about all my school spirit, spent.

This song was suggested by my friend Vagle.  Well, that's her last name.  Was her last name.  Tiphany mentioned this one, and I agreed that it is an excellent choice for the 90 Songs of Autumn.

Song 36
        "Bittersweet Symphony" - from The Verve off their album Urban Hymns.

It's a great slow building song.  The video was great.  Just the singer walking through town, and bumping into people.  Not in the, "Hey how are you?" way.   In the, sorry, didn't see you...but with out the stopping to be nice about it.  It fits really well with the song.  It's just a driving, constant push forward.

Kind of like revving up to push something heavy up an incline.  Autumn has some flavors of that I think.

Well, I suppose I should get ready for "Frankenstorm."  And by get ready, I mean go to work and not think about it.


grace, peace + hope

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