Friday, October 12, 2012

21 - It's So Hot Inside My Soul

A different flavor today.  I don't remember where I first heard this song.  I just know it felt like it was a blade right through my heart.

It still feels that way.

It's a small simple song, but has deep currents and emotions.

Song 21/Day 21
        "Hold Me Jesus" off of the album Songs by  Rich Mullins.

There is a large part of me that feels this could have come right from my own heart.  Not claiming that I'm as talented or gifted as the late Rich Mullins, but he doesn't over complicate the sentiment and intent of this song.

It ties me to Autumn for a few reasons.  The first being the line, "cause I'm shaking like a leaf."  There is a vulnerability in that line, and it echos the season.

I'm particularly fond of and struck by these words:
Surrender don't come natural to me I'd rather fight you for somethingI don't really wantThan to take what you give that I need
The rest is just the music itself.  It just has this sound that brings me to a large opening under huge tress in a wood.  The sky is fading to twilight, and there is a strong chill in the air.  I want to fall on me knees in the middle of this clearing, under the boughs above.  To just slough off all the wrongs and guilt.  To let it just melt away, and feel the arms of Jesus wrap around me in the embrace of creation.

That's what this song does for me.

Hold Me Jesus from Rich Mullins on the album, Songs.



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