It was an interesting day/event. It was aimed at Christian writers/pastors/or just in general. I remember it being focused on moving away from programs and models of teaching, and relying more on story. I'm not going to be able to give that whole thing justice in this post, but let's just say it moved me.
I mention it because at the beginning of the event, a band took the stage and began playing today's song. On the screen behind them were incredible photos of nature. Woods, mountains and on and on. It felt quite epic and inspirational.
Song 18/Day 18
"Wake Up" from Arcade Fire's album Funeral.
I had never heard of the band before. But I loved this track, and sampled the rest of the album...before downloading all of it. I probably haven't given it the attention I should have, that's changing. The song itself fit well with the movie trailer, setting up this grand adventure that Max goes on, but leaving us with an upbeat closing.
What I mean is the song shifts about 2/3's of the way through. The awesome drawn out vocals and music changes speed and pace and feels less explorational (I know I'm making up words here,) and more running with friends.
It's great to have this song pop up on a one of those Autumn days that starts out brisk and chilly, but the sun peaks out in the later hours of the morning and shows off all the colors on the trees.
The lyrics are kind of intense. Seems to be talking about being made to grow up to fast, or to be stoic. "Rub some dirt in it," mentality. Which leads to temper tantrum (and lightning bolt) throwing adults. Some of the ones I like best are:
Somethin’ filled upmy heart with nothin’,someone told me not to cry.
But now that I’m older,my heart’s colder,and I can see that it’s a lie.
It's a great song, and great band. Now excuse me while I go reacquaint myself with the rest of the album.
"Wake Up" from Arcade Fire on the album Funeral. Go find something new!
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