Thursday, January 6, 2011

For the Trees (a poem)

"For the Trees"

looking to the East I see a tree
it stands alone, magnificent
I stare and wonder at it's glory
I begin to journey toward it
focused and sure of my way

all along the path
I marvel to God at the splendor
and beauty of this tree
long weeks pass ere I reach the shade
beneath it's expansive branches

"God!" I cry, "Let me be a part of this!
Let me stay here and care for this tree.
Surely you pointed me to this place."

God sighed and pointed, "Look, there."
I followed his finger as it pointed back to the tree.
I examined the texture of it's bark, the complexity of it's leaves

"That is what I'm looking at!
God, this gift, it is beyond my understanding.
Let me stay here and learn."

Again God sighed.
He looked at me, as only a father can,
when their children doesn't understand.
He took my by the shoulder,
guided me just past the tree and said,
"No.  Look at that."

I followed his outstretched arm
and saw
just beyond the tree

before me sprawled massive mountains
and leagues of forests full of beautiful trees
my mind struggled to comprehend all that I saw
the hues and shapes of his design

how did I miss all this!?

How did I journey for so long
and not see this vast ocean before me

I looked up to my Father
He smiled
"Go." he whispered softly
and he gently pushes me toward my future

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